Gig poster for group art show event
Gig poster for group art show event
I am participating in a group art show organized by RAW called “Mixology.” It will consist of visual artist like myself and also fashion designers, musicians, film makers, and jewelry makers. A literal smorgasbord art and music. I will be displaying my art as well as selling originals and prints. In order to secure my spot at the venue I need to get at least 20 people to purchase a ticket in pre-sale which is only $10 for the show over at Terminal west here in Atlanta. To help motivate people to get some tickets I am offering a piece of original art for each ticket purchased (an ink illustration with a red ink wash) by me. Just email me a copy of the purchase confirmation so I know you bought a ticket and I’ll have that piece of original art waiting for you when you arrive at the show. If you can’t make it to the show but still want to help support/sponsor me to display at the venue (always awesome to support the arts) you can still purchase a $10 ticket to help sponsor me and I will mail you out your original piece of art, just include your address when you send an email copy of the purchase confirmation of the ticket. Tickets can be purchased at this link which will give me credit for the sale: http://www.rawartists.org/atlanta/mixology/?artist=67281
Event date:
Saturday July 28th Time: 8pm to 12am
Location: Terminal West 887 West Marietta, Atlanta, GA. 30318
I will greatly appreciate your support. If you can make it out to the event I’m sure you will have a good time. Thanks e: Raz(at)razcitystudios.com
Font used for "Terminal West" Hydra74's Witches regular.
"Mixology" typography hand drawn then cleaned up in Illustrator and PhotoShop
I have a few prints still available signed and numbered via my big cartel storefront just $15: http://razcity.bigcartel.com
Event date:
Saturday July 28th Time: 8pm to 12am
Location: Terminal West 887 West Marietta, Atlanta, GA. 30318
I will greatly appreciate your support. If you can make it out to the event I’m sure you will have a good time. Thanks e: Raz(at)razcitystudios.com
Font used for "Terminal West" Hydra74's Witches regular.
"Mixology" typography hand drawn then cleaned up in Illustrator and PhotoShop
I have a few prints still available signed and numbered via my big cartel storefront just $15: http://razcity.bigcartel.com